About StrongerGen

Welcome to Stronger Gen, the very first & uniquely designed fitness program for Autism and Special Needs. We are dedicated to promoting health, well-being, and inclusive fitness for individuals on the Autism Spectrum. We understand the importance of tailoring fitness programs to the specific needs and abilities of individuals with autism. We work closely with experienced professionals, including fitness trainers, occupational therapists, and behavior analysts, to create a safe, supportive, and enjoyable environment for our participants.

Remember, at Stronger Gen, we believe in the abilities, strengths, and limitless potential of every individual. Let's move, grow, and achieve greatness together!

Our Services

Online Fitness Training :

Our experienced fitness trainers provide individualized custom programs for individuals with autism.

Fitness Classes:

We offer group fitness classes that bring individuals with autism together in an engaging and supportive environment.

Sensory Integration Program :

Our sensory integration programs provide targeted exercise and activities that promote sensory regulation, body awareness and sensory motor integration.

Online community engagement :

Our online platform and fitness app (available on Android & IOS) fosters a sense of community and connection. You can tell the world your autism story Loudly and Proudly.

Our Clients

Contact Us

You can also mail us on : info@strongergen.com